Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Railway Reserves Heritage Trail (Perth Hills)

Railway Reserves Heritage Trail (Perth Hills)

One of TrailsWA's Top Trails, the Railway Reserves Heritage Trail's main loop provides a 41 kilometre walk or cycle through the Perth Hills. Starting at multiple points, the trail interprets the rail heritage of the area through public art and even playgrounds with a railway theme. Passing through lovely bushland and the waterfalls of John Forrest National Park, this is a lovely cycling loop that is at its best in late Winter/early Spring...

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Denmark to Albany

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Denmark to Albany

The last day of the Munda Biddi Trail, this section takes cyclists from Denmark to the Southern Terminus is Albany. Following the Denmark-Nornalup Heritage Trail along the inlet, the trail heads through a mix of Karri forest and farmland before travelling along the Torbay Rail Trail to Elleker. After some busy road riding and one last lot of country back roads riding, the trail reaches its end in Albany. A fulfilling finale to a great trail...

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Jinung Beigabup to Denmark

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Jinung Beigabup to Denmark

Day 25 of the Munda Biddi Trail, this section takes cyclists from Jinung Beigabup to Denmark. Following the back roads to the tourist drive of Scotsdale Rd, the trail descends to the coast for world class views in William Bay National Park. Following the coastal ridge to the Denmark Community Windfarm, the trail heads into town via Ocean Beach Rd. A nice, (finally) coastal section of the Munda Biddi...