Saturday, 18 November 2017

Karlinyah Bidi (Rottnest Island)

Karlinyah Bidi (Rottnest Island)

The shortest trail of the Wadjemup Bidi trails network, the Karlinyah Bidi explores the northern beaches of Rottnest Island. Starting at the Rocky Bay, follows the coast through a number of secluded bays, reefs and a spectacularly rugged limestone shelf as it makes it way to Little Armstrong Bay. Conveniently located near bus stops, this is a more challenging but compact walk on the island...
Gabbi Karniny Bidi (Rottnest Island)

Gabbi Karniny Bidi (Rottnest Island)

One of Trails WA's Top Trails, the Gabbi Karniny Bidi explore the salt lakes of Rottnest Island. Starting at the Thomson Bay Settlement, the trail heads inland through Rottnest's beautiful lakes system, before exploring popular beaches like Geordie Bay, The Basin and Pinky Beach as it makes it's way along the north-eastern coastline. The most convenient of the Wadjemup Bidi network's trails, this is a must do walk while on the island...

Sunday, 5 November 2017

Peak Head Walk Trail (Torndirrup National Park)

Peak Head Walk Trail (Torndirrup National Park)

A shorter walk in Torndirrup National Park, the Peak Head Walk Trail explores the national park's southernmost point. Starting at Stony Hill, the trail descends steeply through heath before rising up the summit of Peak Head itself. With spectacular wildflower blooms in late Spring and breathtaking coastal scenery, this is a mini-version of the nearby Bald Head Walk Trail. ...

Saturday, 4 November 2017

Mokare Heritage Trail (Denmark Foreshore)

Mokare Heritage Trail (Denmark Foreshore)

A dog and family friendly walk trail in the Shire of Denmark, the Mokare Heritage Trail provides a pleasant and easy going loop along the Denmark River. Taking in lovely views of the riverside environment, the trail offers a good mix of sections with wilder native vegetation and public parklands. Passing the Kwoorabup Community Adventure Park via an optional extension, this is a perfect walk for the whole family...