Thursday, 21 October 2021

Yonga Trail (Lesueur National Park)

Yonga Trail (Lesueur National Park)

An overnight or long day walk in Lesueur National Park, the Yonga Trail explores offers an extended exploration of Lesueur's varied landscapes. Starting near Mt Lesueur, the trail leaves the shorter day walks to explore a mix of Wandoo Woodlands, sandy open heathlands and the heath covered laterite ridges. Featuring a lovely campsite halfway, the Yonga Trail is well worth exploring during the wildflower season...

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Collie-Darkan Rail Trail (Shires of Collie & West Arthur)

Collie-Darkan Rail Trail (Shires of Collie & West Arthur)

 An idyllic day ride, the Collie-Darkan Rail Trail retraces a section of the Bowelling to Narrogin Railway just east of the town of Collie to the town of Darkan. Passing through a mix of forests and farmland scenery, the trail's highlights include a number of well maintained and refurbished wooden rail bridges and two railway stations along the line. Rich in heritage history and rolling green hills, this is an enjoyable day ride with potential...

Wednesday, 1 September 2021

Electric Bikepacking the Southern Forests

Electric Bikepacking the Southern Forests

A five day ride, this sectional adventure follows the Munda Biddi from Pemberton to Nannup. Riding through the beautiful Southern Forests, each day sees riders travelling town to town along easily achievable kilometres for an electric mountain bike to undertake while offering riders a warm bed at the end of every night. Finishing with a loop of the Old Timberline and Sidings Rail Trails, this is an excellent introduction to bikepacking for first...

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Denmark-Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail (Shire of Denmark)

Denmark-Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail (Shire of Denmark)

A lengthy (though incomplete) rail trail in the Shire of Denmark, the Denmark-Nornalup Heritage Rail Trail links Nornalup with the shire's main town of Denmark and then to the shire's eastern boundary. Starting at the former Nornalup Station, the trail passes through a delightful mix of farmland, plains and Karri forest. A trail with a lot of potential, a missing section that necessitates road riding is all that's holding this back from being a great...

Wednesday, 16 June 2021

Old Timberline and Sidings Rail Trail (Nannup)

Old Timberline and Sidings Rail Trail (Nannup)

 One of TrailsWA's Top Trails, this 37 kilometre loop combines the Old Timberline Rail Trail with part of the Sidings Rail Trail. Starting in Nannup and crossing the Blackwood River, the Old Timberline heads along some twisty single track through to the lush Jarrah forest along St Johns Brook and Barrabup Pool before visiting Sleeper Hewer's Hut and returning to Nannup via the Sidings Trail. One of Western Australia's best rail trail experiences...

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Honeycomb Gorge (Kennedy Range National Park)

Honeycomb Gorge (Kennedy Range National Park)

A short but enjoyable trail, this 600 metre walk takes visitors to Honeycomb Gorge - the most popular natural feature of Kennedy Range National Park. Starting at the car park, the trail heads through a series of massive boulders before arriving at the impressive honeycomb wall formed by wind and water erosion from an ephemeral waterfall. While only a short walk, this one well worth checking out...

Monday, 24 May 2021

Mt Augustus Summit and Gully Trails (Mt Augustus National Park)

Mt Augustus Summit and Gully Trails (Mt Augustus National Park)

An outstanding Outback mountain walk, the Summit and Gully Trails take walkers to the summit of Mt Augustus - a towering peak that is twice the size of Uluru. Featuring a mix of gentle and steep gradients, the Summit Trail leads to 360° views of the surrounding landscape. With the scramble-heavy Gully Trail filled with waterholes as an alternate, this is an outstanding must-do hike in spite of the potentially deadly heat...

Monday, 17 May 2021

King Jarrah Track (Hike & Bike Version) (Lane Poole Reserve)

King Jarrah Track (Hike & Bike Version) (Lane Poole Reserve)

A fun variation on a Peel region classic, this Hike & Bike combo serves as an improved experience of the King Jarrah Track in Lane Poole Reserve. Starting at the camping area, the walking section heads up across a ridge of lush forest to the King Jarrah, before descending to the bike pick up stop for a fun ride along a rail trail. Removing the need for a long vehicle track return walk, this is a satisfying adventure for a day out in Dwellingup...

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Kokerbin Rock (Kokerbin Nature Reserve)

Kokerbin Rock (Kokerbin Nature Reserve)

 A short walk in the Wheatbelt, this three kilometre return hike takes walkers to the summit of Kokerbin Rock - purported to be the third large monolith in Australia. Initially circling the rock, the trail rises up the gentle to moderate gradient to the rock's summit. Featuring 360° views of the surrounding landscape and fascinating scenery along the way, this is an excellent introduction to the Wheatbelt's granites...

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

Little Mt Lindesay (Mt Lindesay National Park)

Little Mt Lindesay (Mt Lindesay National Park)

A short but spectacularly rugged walk, this two kilometre return journey takes walkers to the summit of Little Mt Lindesay - the granite-dominated lower peak of Mt Lindesay. Initially on an old vehicle track, the trail ends at the summit which then provides a host of rock climbing, bouldering and scrambling options. With spectacular views from the summit across the national park, this is a hidden gem of the Denmark area...

Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Tree Top Walk and Ancient Empire (Walpole-Nornalup National Park)

Tree Top Walk and Ancient Empire (Walpole-Nornalup National Park)

Two short but spectacular loop walks in the the Valley of the Giants, the Tree Top Walk and Ancient Empire Walks are the centrepiece experience of the Walpole Wilderness. Heading along the metal walkway, the Tree Top Walk takes walkers 40 metres above ground level into the forest canopy while the Ancient Empire immerses walkers in the forest understory. An easy and essential experience in the Southern Forests...

Monday, 12 April 2021

PUBLIC Silo Art Trail (Wheatbelt)

PUBLIC Silo Art Trail (Wheatbelt)

A great road trip through the Wheatbelt, the PUBLIC Silo Art Trail takes road trippers from the town of Northam on the Avon River to the City of Albany on the South Coast. Linking up the towns of Merredin, Katanning, Pingrup, Newdegate and Ravensthorpe, the trail features spectacular large scale public art murals and a number of smaller works along the way. A world class public art experience, this is a perfect driving tour for a long weekend...

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

Kep Track (Mundaring to Northam)

Kep Track (Mundaring to Northam)

One of TrailsWA's Top Trails, the 75 kilometre Kep Track runs from Mundaring in Perth's east to Northam. Starting at the Mundaring Weir Hotel, the trail follows the Railways Reserves Heritage Trail to Mt Helena before heading north. Passing through Chidlow, Wooroloo, Bakers Hill and Clackline while exploring the area's rail heritage, the trail features a memorably fast descent before arriving in town...

Wednesday, 17 February 2021

Railway Reserves Heritage Trail (Perth Hills)

Railway Reserves Heritage Trail (Perth Hills)

One of TrailsWA's Top Trails, the Railway Reserves Heritage Trail's main loop provides a 41 kilometre walk or cycle through the Perth Hills. Starting at multiple points, the trail interprets the rail heritage of the area through public art and even playgrounds with a railway theme. Passing through lovely bushland and the waterfalls of John Forrest National Park, this is a lovely cycling loop that is at its best in late Winter/early Spring...

Tuesday, 9 February 2021

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Denmark to Albany

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Denmark to Albany

The last day of the Munda Biddi Trail, this section takes cyclists from Denmark to the Southern Terminus is Albany. Following the Denmark-Nornalup Heritage Trail along the inlet, the trail heads through a mix of Karri forest and farmland before travelling along the Torbay Rail Trail to Elleker. After some busy road riding and one last lot of country back roads riding, the trail reaches its end in Albany. A fulfilling finale to a great trail...

Sunday, 7 February 2021

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Jinung Beigabup to Denmark

Munda Biddi Trail (WA) - Jinung Beigabup to Denmark

Day 25 of the Munda Biddi Trail, this section takes cyclists from Jinung Beigabup to Denmark. Following the back roads to the tourist drive of Scotsdale Rd, the trail descends to the coast for world class views in William Bay National Park. Following the coastal ridge to the Denmark Community Windfarm, the trail heads into town via Ocean Beach Rd. A nice, (finally) coastal section of the Munda Biddi...