Wednesday, 30 December 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Frankland River to Walpole

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Frankland River to Walpole

The final day of a three day walk from Conspicuous Beach to Walpole, this section of the Bibbulmun Track features the largest and most impressive trees on the entire track. Leaving Frankland River campsite, the Giant Tingle Tree and another massive fallen Tingle are the highlights of the day, as well as excellent views of the Walpole Inlet from Hilltop Lookout before walking along inlet cliffs on the way into the town of Walpole. ...

Tuesday, 29 December 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Giants to Frankland River

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Giants to Frankland River

The second day of a three day walk from Conspicuous Beach to Walpole, this section of the Bibbulmun Track takes walkers from Giants Campsite through Walpole-Nornalup National Park, passing the popular Valley of the Giants Tree Top Walk on the way. The massive Red Tingle Trees provide for some astounding forest walking, while the lovely hut on the banks of the Frankland River is one of the track's most idyllic.  ...

Monday, 28 December 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Conspicuous Beach to Giants

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Conspicuous Beach to Giants

The first day of a three day walk from Conspicuous Beach to Walpole, this is a day of transition on the Bibbulmun Track. Starting overlooking Conspicuous Beach, the walk passes through coastal heathlands, areas of lower Eucalypt forest before crossing South Coast Hwy into the majestic Tingle forests of Walpole-Nornalup National Park. Walkers are treated to an overnight stay surrounded by the Red Tingles at Giants Campsite. ...

Saturday, 26 December 2015

Granite Skywalk (Porongurup National Park)

Granite Skywalk (Porongurup National Park)

A short but steep walk through the forests of Porongurup National Park, the challenging but hugely rewarding Granite Skywalk takes walkers to a beautiful collection of granite rock formations including the massive, seemingly precarious Balancing Rock. For the more adventurous with a good head for heights, a scramble and a ladder climb leads to even more breathtaking views from the viewing platform bolted into Castle Rock itself. ...

Saturday, 24 October 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Inglehope Rail Crossing to Nanga Rd

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Inglehope Rail Crossing to Nanga Rd

A relatively easy day on the Bibbulmun Track, this sectional day walk follows an old rail formation from Inglehope Rail Crossing to Dwellingup, passing many historic sites along the way. Morning walkers can be treated to the Hotham Valley train passing by near the Track, with Dwellingup offering some good dining options before the trail continues on through lush jarrah forests to Nanga Rd. ...

Monday, 14 September 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Nanga Rd to Yarragil Form

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Nanga Rd to Yarragil Form

Some of the best walking that the Jarrah forests have to offer, this sectional day walk on the Bibbulmun Track explores the surprisingly lush, wildflower-filled woodlands near Dwellingup and in Lane Poole Reserve. On the way to Swamp Oak campsite, a stretch through pine plantations offers an interesting change of pace. Later, an old vehicle track offers a relatively easy walking before a steep ascent and descent to Yarragil Form....

Monday, 31 August 2015

Echidna Trail (Walyunga National Park)

Echidna Trail (Walyunga National Park)

The longest of the five walks in Walyunga National Park, the Echidna Trail takes walkers along the Avon River before heading up the valley into less explored areas of the park. Featuring expansive views of the Avon Valley and Perth in the distance, the trail is also one of the best in Perth for spotting grazing kangaroos. This trail is at its finest in late winter/early spring with the waters flowing and the park's wildflowers in bloom. ...

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Marginata Rd to Sullivan Rock

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Marginata Rd to Sullivan Rock

Arguably the best sectional day walk in the Darling Scarp, this 22 kilometre trek takes walkers from the little known access point on Marginata Rd to Sullivan Rock. Along the way, walkers get to cross a bridge over the same Canning River that feeds into the Swan River and climb over the small mountains of Mt Cuthbert and Mt Vincent.  With stunning views of of the Darling Scarp, this is a walk of challenge and reward in equal measure....

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Kitty's Gorge Walk Trail (Serpentine National Park)

Kitty's Gorge Walk Trail (Serpentine National Park)

Kitty's Gorge is a stunning return walk in the Jarrah Woodlands of the Darling Scarp, leading walkers from the town of Jarrahdale to the beautiful Serpentine Falls via the rocky Gooralong Brook and Serpentine River. Along the way walkers will view small waterfalls and rapids, moss-covered granite outcrops and a particularly magical section filled with butterflies, making it one of the best day walks in Perth and deserving of its status...

Monday, 3 August 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Dale Rd to Brookton Hwy

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Dale Rd to Brookton Hwy

A sectional day walk through an area burnt by fires in February 2015, this intriguing walk on the Bibbulmun Track from Dale Rd to Brookton Hwy via Mt Dale campsite showcases a forest in regeneration. Marvel at clear delineations between areas severely burnt and those that were barely touched, and the way Eucalypts and Grass Trees can spring back to life even after such devastation. ...

Monday, 6 July 2015

Grand Canyon Walk (Blue Mountains National Park)

Grand Canyon Walk (Blue Mountains National Park)

One of Australia's finest day walks, the Grand Canyon Walk takes bushwalkers to the lush secret world of the canyons below the Blue Mountains and the ever flowing water that makes this such a thriving ecosystem. Featuring ferns, mossy rocks and streams both gentle and fast flowing, this is a walk of seemingly endless highlights including a cave, several waterfalls and views into the deepest reaches of the canyon. A must-do bushwalking highlight...

Sunday, 28 June 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Marginata Rd to Brookton Hwy

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Marginata Rd to Brookton Hwy

A relatively easy sectional day walk on the Bibbulmun Track, this mostly flat walk leads from the little known access point on Marginata Rd to Brookton Hwy. The large rock formation known as Abyssinia Rock is the highlight of this section that otherwise passes through a somewhat dull, low-lying swampy area and scrappy Jarrah woodland. One of the least essential sections of the track - its easiness is its main draw. ...

Monday, 15 June 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Mundaring Weir to Ball Creek

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Mundaring Weir to Ball Creek

A relatively leisurely sectional day walk on the Bibbulmun Track, this short return walk leads from Mundaring Weir through the area's historic precinct. Taking in views of Lake CY O'Connor before heading to the Perth Hills Discovery Centre and the Bibbulmun's second campsite at Ball Creek, a return walk is rewarded with a stop-in for lunch at the Mundaring Weir Hotel. An excellent beginner's walk. ...

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Sullivan Rock to Powerline Rd

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Sullivan Rock to Powerline Rd

One of the best sectional day walks of the Bibbulmun Track in the Darling Scarp, this walk leads walkers from the massive low-lying granite formation known as Sullivan Rock to Mt Cooke - the scarp's highest peak. With stunning views from the summit and across the various mountains and hills, this is one of the best day walk sections near Perth, conveniently located in easy reach from Albany Highway. ...

Sunday, 31 May 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Boat Harbour to Peaceful Bay

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Boat Harbour to Peaceful Bay

One of the most diverse days in the most diverse section of the Bibbulmun Track (Walpole to Denmark), this 23.4km trek from Boat Harbour to Peaceful Bay passes through rugged coastline and heathlands, white sandy beaches, the unexpected grassy plains of the Showgrounds and crosses the Irwin Inlet by canoe. This challenging but rewarding day of walking is amongst the Bibbulmun's best and most spectacular. ...

Monday, 11 May 2015

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Kalamunda to Mundaring Weir

Bibbulmun Track (WA) - Kalamunda to Mundaring Weir

Starting from the Northern Terminus in Kalamunda, this sectional day walk on the Bibbulmun Track takes walkers through Kalamunda and Beelu National Parks to Mundaring Weir via Hewitt's Hill - the first campsite along the track. With sweeping views of national parklands and the historic weir itself, this is a good introduction to the Bibbulmun - and even features the popular Calamunnda Camel Farm as a coffee spot along the way. ...